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Music Books

Each of our readings leaves a seed that germinates.

Jules Renard (1864-1910)

Jean-Pierre Mathez
Jean-Baptiste Arban

Portrait of a French musician of the 19th century

  • Languages: English
  • Genre: Biography
  • Composed: 1977

Reference: BIM3e


Joseph Jean-Baptiste Laurent Arban (1825-1889) is the name of a french musician of the 19th century who was very popular in his day but is today remembered by no-one except brass players, and they ... more

Jean-Christophe Wiener
How to play James Stamp’s Warm-ups

  • Languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish
  • Genre: Instrumental technique
  • Composed: 1997

Reference: TP2w
English / Français / Deutsch

A true path I remained in the US for a year and returned during consecutive summers to see him again. All in all I had more than a hundred lessons; today I feel the need to share what I experienced... more

Robert Wigness
The Soloistic Use of the Trombone in 18th Century Vienna

  • Languages: English
  • Genre: History
  • Composed: 1978

Reference: BrP13

A survey of printed editions and microfilmed manuscripts has revealed hundreds of 18th century Viennese compositions that include the trombone. more

Mark Thompson
Solos for the Student Trombonist

An Annotated Bibliography

  • Languages: English
  • Genre: Bibliography
  • Composed: 1976/2004

Reference: BrP19

This 2nd edition has expanded to 330 annotated solos, with a supplemental solos list of 209 works. The solos have been annotated so that both, students and teacher could better select music appropr... more

Edward H. Tarr
J.N. Hummel, Concerto a Tromba principale (1803)

Introduction, historic consideration, analysis, critical commentary and original solo part

  • Languages: English, French, German
  • Genre: History
  • Composed: 2011

Reference: TP306e

The colour facsimile of this classical work of the world trumpet repertoire is finally available, with its enigmatic annotations, its various inks, its astonishing cuts, as well as numerous musical... more

Edward H. Tarr
Girolamo Fantini, Modo per imparare a sonare

complete English translation, biography and critical commentary

  • Languages: English, French, German
  • Genre: History

Reference: TP187e

A seminal work in the history of the trumpet. Girolamo Fantini (?1600-ca.1675) was the first to introduce a new style of playing which made it possible for the trumpet to be accepted into art music. more

Edward H. Tarr
Bendinelli, The Entire Art of Trumpet Playing (1614)

complete English translation, biography and critical commentary

  • Languages: English, French, German
  • Genre: History

Reference: TP302e

Through Bendinelli we can better understand the pitch and the range of the trumpet around 1600 and earlier; details of the technique of playing the trumpet, such as the leading of one’s chin, artic... more

John Stork
Understanding the Mouthpiece

  • Languages: Japanese
  • Genre: Instrumental technique
  • Composed: 1989

Reference: BIM13

It is the degree to which a mouthpiece successfully translates the virations produced by a player’s lips that decides the quality of his performance. Understanding the importance of the mouthpiece ... more

John Stork
Understanding the Mouthpiece

  • Languages: English
  • Genre: Instrumental technique
  • Composed: 1989

Reference: BIM10

It is the degree to which a mouthpiece successfully translates the virations produced by a player’s lips that decides the quality of his performance. Understanding the importance of the mouthpiece ... more

John Stork
La boquilla

lo que se debe saber

  • Languages: Spanish
  • Genre: Instrumental technique
  • Composed: 1989

Reference: BIM12

La calidad dela ejecucion està directamente relacionada con la calidad de expresion de las vibraciones producidas por los labios del musico por media de la boquilla. La apreciacion exacta de la imp... more

John Stork

ce qu’il faut en savoir

  • Languages: French
  • Genre: Instrumental technique
  • Composed: 1989

Reference: BIM8

La qualité de l’exécution est directement liée au degré de qualité de la traduction par l’embouchure des vibrations produites par les lèvres. La juste appréciation de l’importance de l’embouchure e... more

John Stork
I Bocchini

tutto cio che si deve sapere

  • Languages: Italian
  • Genre: Instrumental technique
  • Composed: 1989

Reference: BIM11

La qualità dell’esecuzione è direttamente legata al grado delle caratteristiche di traduzione delle vibrazioni prodotto dalle labbra del musicista per mezzo del bocchino. La giusta valutazione del ... more

John Stork
Das Mundstück

was man davon wissen muss

  • Languages: German
  • Genre: Instrumental technique
  • Composed: 1985

Reference: BIM9

Das Mass der durch das Mundstück erfolgreich übertragenen Lippenschwingungen des Bläsers entscheidet über die Qualität seines Spiels. Das Erkennen der Wichtigkeit des Mundstückes und seiner strateg... more

Henry Prentiss
Prentiss’ Complete Preceptor

for the Cornopean, Bugle Horn & Key’s Bugle

  • Languages: English
  • Genre: History
  • Composed: 1840

Reference: TP189

Henry H. Prentiss (1801-1860) of Boston was first an umbrella maker. In 1834 he opened a pianoforte and music store, locating in 1839 at 33 Court Street, the address on the present tutor (after 184... more

Tom Naylor
The Trumpet and Trombone in Graphic Arts 1500-1800

A book of prints representative of the trumpet and trombone. Woodcuts, etchings, engravings and drawings included.

  • Languages: English
  • Genre: History

Reference: BrP14

Selected prints most representative of the trumpet and trombone. A broad look at a narrow field has been attempted. The period of 1500 - 1800 has been choosen since a majority of graphic art works ... more

Werner Menke
History of the Trumpet of Bach and Haendel

  • Languages: English
  • Genre: History
  • Composed: 1960

Reference: BrP12

English translation by Gerald Abraham of ”Die Geschichte der Bach- und Händel-Trompete”. Werner Menke’s book was first published in 1934 by William Reeves Bookseller Limited (London). Menke authore... more

Emilie Mende
Pictorial Family Tree of Brass Instruments

in Europe since the early Middle Ages

  • Languages: English, French, German
  • Genre: History
  • Composed: 1978

Reference: BIM1
English / Français / Deutsch

The Family Tree’s chief purpose is to give a clear picture of the history of the 4 brass instruments  families of the cornetts, the trumpets, the trombones and the horns. And this since the early M... more

Emilie Mende
Brass Instruments

Dictionary in 3 languages

  • Languages: English, French, German
  • Genre: Bibliography
  • Composed: 1983/2010

Reference: BIM2
English / Français / Deutsch

This trilingual dictionary is intended for all those who, on an international level, are concerned with brass instruments. I have tried to consider  the terminology of the various branches, such as... more

Donna McDonald
The Odyssey of the Philip Jones Brass Ensemble

Chronic of the history of the ensemble

  • Languages: English
  • Genre: Biography
  • Composed: 1986

Reference: BIM16

Chronic of the history of the Ensemble. The Philip Jones Brass Ensemble, founded in 1951 developed into the world’s leading brass chamber group. It played a vital role in the rediscovery of renaiss... more

Jean-Pierre Mathez
Jean Baptiste Arban

Portrait d’un musicien français du XIXe siècle

  • Languages: French
  • Genre: Biography
  • Composed: 1977

Reference: BIM3f

Joseph Jean-Baptiste Laurent Arban, c’est le nom d’un musicien français du XIXe siècle, qui jouit d’une belle popularité à son époque, mais dont plus personne ne se souvient aujourd’hui excepté les... more

Raymond Lapie
Jean-François-Victor Bellon (1795-1869)

12 grands quintettes de cuivres originaux (1848-50)

  • Languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish
  • Genre: History
  • Composed: 2001

Reference: BIM17

Johann Nepomuk Hummel
Concerto a Tromba principale (1803)

  • Genre: Facsimile
  • Composed: 1803

Reference: TP306

Johann Nepomuk Hummel’s trumpet concerto, which has occupied a secure place in the repertoire since the late 1960s, was written for the Viennese keyed trumpet virtuoso, Anton Weidinger (1766-1852),... more

Hans Hickmann
La trompette dans l’Egypte ancienne

Réimpression de l’édition publiée en 1946 par l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale au Caire

  • Languages: French
  • Genre: History
  • Composed: 1946/1976

Reference: BrP11

Etude passionnante sur la trompette de l'Egypte ancienne, cette trompette aux sonorités étranges, qui pourtant représente la seule voix qui résonne depuis l'Antiquité jusqu'à notre temps. more

René Perinelli, Jean-Jacques Greffin

pour trompette et instruments à embouchure

  • Languages: French
  • Genre: Instrumental technique
  • Composed: 1984

Reference: BIM4

Ce livre se veut différent des autres méthodes et ne prétend pas non plus être exhaustif. Mais plutôt un compagnon précis et toujours présent, sur cette longue route de la recherche de la connaissa... more

Tranquillo Forza
Il Bocchino nei labiofoni

Un approccio moderno di analisi, scelta ed uso dei bocchini

  • Languages: Italian
  • Genre: Instrumental technique
  • Composed: 2000

Reference: BIM18

In questo libro, Tranquillo Forza presenta un’analisi esauriente del bocchino, delle parti che lo compongono, delle loro funzioni, e di come lavorano bocchini diversi. Dopo aver letto questo libro,... more

Girolamo Fantini
Modo per imparare a sonare

Facsimile reprint

  • Genre: Facsimile
  • Composed: 1638

Reference: TP140

A seminal work in the history of the trumpet. Girolamo Fantini (?1600-ca.1675) was the first to introduce a new style of playing which made it possible for the trumpet to be accepted into art music... more

Thomas Everett
Annotated Guide to Bass Trombone Literature

  • Languages: English
  • Genre: Bibliography
  • Composed: 1973/1978/1985

Reference: BrP10

This guide was published to inform the reader about literature (especially difficult to locate manuscripts) for the bass trombone; to assist students and performers in preparing balanced and divers... more

Robert Eliason
Early American Brass Makers

  • Languages: English
  • Genre: History
  • Composed: 1979/1981

Reference: BrP9

Unrecognized by most historians and unknown to Americans, the United States had a thriving musical instrument industry in the middle years of the 19th century. more

Hermann Eichborn
Girolamo Fantini, ein Virtuos des 17. Jh und seine Trompeten-Schule

Facsimile aus “Monatshefte für Musikgeschichte, Zweiundzwanzigster Jahrgang 1890”

  • Languages: German
  • Genre: History
  • Composed: 1890/1976

Reference: BrP8

Facsimile aus “Monatshefte für Musikgeschichte, Zweiundzwanzigster Jahrgang 1890” more

Paul Doerksen, Norbert Carnovale
20th Century Music for Trumpet and Orchestra

  • Languages: English
  • Genre: Bibliography
  • Composed: 1975/1994

Reference: BrP5

This second edition of Norbert Carnovale’s 20th Century Music for Trumpet and Orchestra contains 329 compositions, identifies new works and revises original annotations where appropriate. Annotatio... more

Malte Burba
Teach Your Body To Blow

Fundamentals for Brass

  • Languages: English, French, German
  • Genre: Instrumental technique
  • Composed: 1988/1991

Reference: BIM6
English / Français / Deutsch

This book, deliberately concentrated and limited to the basic essentials of brass technique, is intended to stimulate bodily awareness in musicians who are taking up a brass instrument or who have ... more

Philip Cansler
20th Century Music for Trumpet and Organ

An annotated bibliography

  • Languages: English
  • Genre: Bibliography
  • Composed: 1984

Reference: BrP4

Composers of the twentieth century intrigued with the pairing of solo trumpet and organ as a compositional medium have written many pieces for this combination of instruments. This book, for the fi... more

Reine Dahlqvist
The Keyed Trumpet

and Its Greatest Virtuoso, Anton Weidinger

  • Languages: English
  • Genre: History
  • Composed: 1975

Reference: BrP7

Anton Weidinger has always been held to be the inventor of the keyed trumpet. This assumption probably derives from Wilhelm Schneider, Historisch-technische Beschreibung der musikalischen Instrumen... more

Heinz Burum
Geheimnis des richtigen Ansatzes

Moderne Anleitung über das Blasen der Metallblasinstrumente mit Kesselmundstück

  • Languages: German
  • Genre: Instrumental technique

Reference: BIM5

Der Zweck dieser Anleitung ist, den Trompetenschüler über die Art und Weise aufzuklären, wie man das Trompetenblasen erlernt, ausserdem, ob man überhaupt dazu veranlagt ist. Gerade bei Blechblasins... more

Cesare Bendinelli
Tutta l’Arte della Trombetta (1614)

  • Genre: Facsimile
  • Composed: 1614

Reference: TP301

Bendinelli’s trumpet method is the earliest known in the history of this instrument and this facsimile reprint brings light on the dark period around 1600. It transmits as well the earliest known p... more

Harry J. Arling
Trombone Chamber Music

An Annotated Bibliography (Second Edition)

  • Genre: Bibliography

Reference: BrP2

The twentieth century employs the trombone as a solo instrument in chamber settings more than in any past period of music. Of the 209 compositions annotated in this bibliography, 176 belong to this... more

Johann Ernst Altenburg
Trumpeters’ and Kettledrummers’ Art

Essay on an Introduction Heroic and Musical

  • Languages: English
  • Genre: History
  • Composed: 1795

Reference: BrP1

...“for the Sake of a Wider Acceptance of the Same, Described Historically, Theoretically, and Practically, and Illustrated with Examples.”  Complete English translation of the important original b... more

John Webb
Trombamania 2

Brass cartoons

  • Genre: Humor
  • Composed: 2000

Reference: BIM15

John Webb
Trombamania 1

Brass cartoons

  • Languages: English, French, German
  • Genre: Humor
  • Composed: 1989

Reference: BIM14
English / Français / Deutsch