Corrado Maria Saglietti
Verso la Fine - Towards the End for violin, horn and piano
- Level: intermediate / advanced
- Duration: 17'15
- Genre: contemporary
- Composed: 2023

Caroline Charrière
Dans la forêt de Brocéliande
for 2 horns and harp
- Level: intermediate
- Duration: 4'30
- Genre: contemporary
- Series: Swiss Composers Series
- Composed: 2012

Julien-François Zbinden
Sonate en trio op. 46
for viola, cello and piano
- Level: advanced
- Duration: 15'
- Genre: contemporary
- Series: Swiss Composers Series
- Composed: 1969

Richard Lane
for viola, cello and piano
- Level: intermediate / advanced
- Duration: 17'
- Genre: contemporary tonal
- Series: Richard Lane Collection
- Composed: 1993

Richard Lane
for violin, horn in F and piano
- Level: intermediate
- Duration: 11’
- Genre: contemporary tonal
- Series: Richard Lane Collection
- Composed: 1986/87

Julien-François Zbinden
Alternances op. 88
for flute, viola and harp
- Level: intermediate
- Duration: 12'
- Genre: contemporary
- Series: Swiss Composers Series
- Composed: 1997

Gene Young
35 Mescals in Cuautla
for soprano voice, trumpet and percussion
- Text/Lyrics: Malcolm Lowry
- Level: advanced
- Duration: 20'
- Genre: contemporary
- Composed: 1982

Fritz Voegelin
Sin cadenas
for clarinet, cello and piano
- Level: advanced
- Duration: 17'
- Genre: contemporary
- Series: Swiss Composers Series
- Composed: 1993

Fritz Voegelin
for oboe, horn and piano
- Level: intermediate / advanced
- Duration: 11'
- Genre: contemporary
- Series: Swiss Composers Series
- Composed: 1993

Eldad Tsabary
3 Haim Sabari Poems
for alto voice, guitar and cello
- Text/Lyrics: Haim Sabari
- Level: intermediate
- Duration: 10'
- Genre: contemporary
- Composed: 1999

Valery Strukow
for oboe, horn and piano
- Level: intermediate
- Duration: 12'
- Genre: contemporary
- Composed: 1995

Igor Stravinsky
Royal March and Great Chorale
for trumpet, piano and percussion
- Arranger: Stephen L. Glover
- Level: intermediate / advanced
- Duration: 3'
- Genre: contemporary