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Brass Bulletin

International Magazine for Brass Players

The Brass Bulletin archives (1971-2003) will soon be digitalized. The 124 issues are currently being scanned and available for download. Meanwhile, we'd like to offer the very first issues which started a fabulous journey of 124 publications for over 30 years!

Brass Bulletin N° 12, III - 1975

International Magazine for Brass Players

Out of print

James Fulkerson
Indeterminate instrumentation: A Way of extending technic (tb) (page 05-07)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Editorial (page 05-07)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
J.B.ARBAN [1825-1889] Biography IV - The conflict (page 08-18)
Jack Hall
The saga of the cornet and six of its outstanding artists (page 19-35)
Bernhard Krol
Why pretend to be Mozart? (page 36-45)
Robert Ischer
Savoir de quelle note on parle [only in French] (page 46-47)

Brass Bulletin N° 13, I - 1976

International Magazine for Brass Players

Out of print

Jean-Pierre Mathez
Editorial (page 02-03)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
J.B.ARBAN [1825-1889] Biography V - The Arban-Cornet (page 04-14)
William W. Bing
A scientific study of pulmonary function (page 15-26)
Robert Coutet, Fernand Lelong
The tuba in France (page 26-35)
James Fulkerson
Low register development for the trombone (page 35-43)
Roland Böckle
Collective improvisation in instrumental classes (page 43-52)
Theo Westhof
My new developed descant double horn (page 52-55)
Robert Ischer
Piston or rotary valve system? (page 55-58)
Jean Douay
The trombone in Maurice Ravel's Boléro (page 59-62)

Brass Bulletin N° 14, II - 1976

International Magazine for Brass Players

Out of print

I.h.e.m. Montreux
The first international brass congress - Special edition (page )
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Editorial (page 02)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
J.B.ARBAN [1825-1889] Biography VI - The last years of his life (page 03-07)
Willi Gohl
Compopser-Interpreter-Teacher-Student (page 08-12)
Peter Damm
Why pretend to be Mozart? Reply to B. Krol (page 13-15)
Thomas Everett
A brief glimpse at the USSR (page 16-18)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
A talk with Rolf Quinque (page 19-21)

Brass Bulletin N° 15, III - 1976

International Magazine for Brass Players

Out of print

Jean-Pierre Mathez
Editorial (page 03-05)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
J.B.ARBAN [1825-1889] Biography VII-End - Critical analysis of his Method (page 15-25)
Michael Höltzel
My contacts with the United States I (page 27-39)
K. A. Wilke
Montreux 1976 - First international brass congress (page 41-53)
Roger Bobo
Comments: First international Brass Congress - Montreux 1976 (page 55-57)

Brass Bulletin N° 16, IV - 1976

International Magazine for Brass Players

Out of print

Jean-Pierre Mathez
General brass catalogue (page 03-08)

Brass Bulletin N° 17, I - 1977

International Magazine for Brass Players

Out of print

Jean-Pierre Mathez
Editorial (page 03)
Dr. Emilie Mende
The tuba, Benjamin of the brass family (page 11-14)
Michael Höltzel
My contacts with the USA: about horns and how to play them... II (page 15-25)
Marc Meissner
Ornamentation of baroque music for brass (page 27-29)
Robert Ischer
I myself have formed this instrument (page 29-28)
Edward H. Tarr
Cesare BENDINELLI [?1542-1617] - Biography I (page 31-45)
Vinko Globokar
Reflections on the brass player (page 47-59)

Brass Bulletin N° 18, II - 1977

International Magazine for Brass Players

Out of print

Jean-Pierre Mathez
Editorial (page 03)
Victor Fenigstein
Scraps of Thoughts and Memories concerning “Passages” for tp and strings (page 09-11)
David Hickman
Herbert L. CLARKE [1867-1945] - Boyhood Years I (page 13-18)
K. A. Wilke
Advices from an expert brass clinician: Robert Pichaureau, Paris (page 19-25)
Roger Bobo
And approach the realm of making beautifull music (page 27-39)

Brass Bulletin N° 19, III - 1977

International Magazine for Brass Players

Out of print

Jean-Pierre Mathez
Editorial (page 03-06)
David Hickman
Herbert L. CLARKE [1867-1945] - Crucial Years II (page 19-26)
Jean Douay
The trombone in Maurice Ravel's Bolero (page 29-30)
Roger Bobo
From the pen of R.B. (page 30-31)
Daniel D. Stancil
Use of a spectral model in developing concepts of tuba timbre (page 33-43)
Dr. Michel G. Corti
Hygienics of the teeth (page 45-49)
Hans-Joachim Krumpfer
Problems of teaching methods in brass instruction (page 51-58)

Brass Bulletin N° 20, IV - 1977

International Magazine for Brass Players

Out of print

Jean-Pierre Mathez
General Brass Catalogue (page 02-19)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
F. de Hauwere; J. Vannetelbosch; N. Tchotcher; J.-P. Mathieu; G. Hirst. (page 20-24)

Brass Bulletin N° 21, I - 1978

International Magazine for Brass Players

Out of print

Jean-Pierre Mathez
Editorial (page 03)
Edward H. Tarr
Cesare BENDINELLI [?1542-1617] - The Trumpet Method II (page 13-25)
David Hickman
Herbert L. CLARKE [1867-1945] - Early professional years III (page 27-32)
Roger Bobo
Yes or no? Beware! [transcriptions] (page 33-35)
Ralf Sauer
A profile - Emory B. Remington (trombone) (page 37-39)
Robert Ischer
Service to customers (page 41-43)
Bengt Belfrage
Brass players-athletes (page 45-52)
Jean Douay
Lip surgery - a report (page 53-57)
Kauko Karjalainen
The brass septet tradition in Finland (page 59-60)
Roger Bobo
Symposium 1978 - Eyes toward the future (page 63-64)