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Brass Bulletin

International Magazine for Brass Players

The Brass Bulletin archives (1971-2003) will soon be digitalized. The 124 issues are currently being scanned and available for download. Meanwhile, we'd like to offer the very first issues which started a fabulous journey of 124 publications for over 30 years!

Brass Bulletin N° 22, II - 1978

International Magazine for Brass Players

Out of print

Barrie Perrins
Some thoughts on the euphonium and euphonium technique (page 09-18)
Peter Damm
On the question of articulation in the horn concertos by W.A. Mozart (page 19-25)
David Hickman
Herbert L. CLARKE [1867-1945] - His Career IV (page 27-32)
Jeffrey Agrell
Zen and the art of horn playing I (page 33-38)
Werner Beyer
Reminiscence of trombonists of the past (page 37-44)
Irving Bush
A viewpoint of professional trumpet playing in the United States (page 45-52)
Heinrich Thein
The contrabass trombone I (page 53-60)
S. Riaouzov, G. Orvid
Mikhail I.TABAKOV [1877-1958] - Founder of the Soviet trumpet school (page 61-70)
Michel Ricquier
Breathing and the physiologial mask (page 71-74)

Brass Bulletin N° 23, III - 1978

International Magazine for Brass Players

Out of print

Jean-Pierre Mathez
Editorial (page 03-05)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Paris 1979 - 1st Maurice André Competition - Interview (page 07-11)
Vaclav Hoza
Václav F.CERVENY [1819-1896] - Famous instrument maker (page 25-29)
Lee Underwood
Glenn FERRIS - Profile [portrait] (page 31-34)
Stephen L. Glover
Early trumpet music in Schwerin (page 35-40)
Willi Kurath
Tuba and Euphonium today (page 41-44)
Lewis Waldeck
Symphonic tuba playing (page 45-46)
J.-L. Mouton, René Périnelli
How to regulate the trumpet, applicable to all valve instruments (page 47-54)
Heinrich Thein
The contrabass trombone II (page 55-64)
Francis Orval
Phonetics in the articulation and expression of the language of music (page 65-68)
Jeffrey Agrell
Zen and the art of horn playing II (page 69-72)

Brass Bulletin N° 24, IV - 1978

International Magazine for Brass Players

Reference: BB024
BB024 | English / French / German

Jean-Pierre Mathez
Editorial (page 03-04)
Dr. Herbert Heyde
On the early history of valves and valve instr. in Germany [1814-1833] I (page 09-33)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Maurice André: Biography [Interview] I (page 35-47)

Brass Bulletin N° 25, I - 1979

International Magazine for Brass Players

Out of print

Roger Bobo
Tuba/Euphonium Symposium - Los Angeles 1978 (page 19-22)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Maurice ANDRE - Biography [Interview] II (page 27-39)
Dr. Herbert Heyde
Early history of valves and valve instr. in Germany [1814-1833] II (page 41-50)
Werner Beyer
Classical solo concerto for trombone and its interpreters in the 19th c. (page 51-55)
Tommy Johnson
A guide to commercial tuba playing in the Los Angeles area (page 56-58)
Jeffrey Agrell
Dreams and wihses [concerning horn and horn playing] (page 59-62)
Barrie Perrins
What is a Brass Band? (page 63-70)

Brass Bulletin N° 26, II - 1979

International Magazine for Brass Players

Out of print

Roger Bobo
Tuba Editorial (page 03)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Mario GUARNERI - Portrait in brief (page 104)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Frankfurt Special 1979 [Music Fair] (page 17-31)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Renold SCHILKE - Interview (page 33)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Maurice ANDRE - Biogrpahy [Interview] III - End (page 35-44)
Colin Bloch
The bell-tuning trumpet (page 45-50)
Frøydis Ree Wekre
Being a woman brass player... So what? (page 51-54)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Miles ANDERSON - Interview [Biography] (page 55-58)
Anatoly Selianin
Vassily G. BRANDT [1869-1923] - Biography (page 59-68)
Dr. Herbert Heyde
Early history of valves & valve instr. in Germany [1814-33] III (page 69-82)
Frigyes Varasdy
Contemporary Hungarian Brass Music (page 83-88)

Brass Bulletin N° 27, III - 1979

International Magazine for Brass Players

Out of print

Jean-Pierre Mathez
Editorial (page 03)
Thomas Stevens
The trumpet in the USA (page 05-08)
K. A. Wilke
3rd Summer School for quintets with Philip Jones (page 13)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
1st International Maurice André Trumpet Competition in Paris (page 15-17)
Frøydis Ree Wekre
3rd Special course for brass players - Moudon 1979 - impressions (page 20-22)
Per Gade
Anton HANSEN [1877-1947] - Father of trombone playing in Scandinavia I (page 27-40)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
FLETCHER John - Interview (page 41-44)
Frøydis Ree Wekre
The Leningrad School of Horn Playing (page 45-50)
Dr. Herbert Heyde
Early history of valves and valve instr. in Germany [1813-33] IV (page 51-61)
Jeffrey Agrell
Zen and the Art of Horn playing III (page 63-70)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Barry TUCKWELL - Interview (page 71-79)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Philip JONES - Interview [Biography] (page 81-89)

Brass Bulletin N° 28, IV - 1979

International Magazine for Brass Players

Out of print

Jean-Pierre Mathez
Editorial (page 03-05)
Per Gade
Anton HANSEN [1877-1947] - Father of trombone playing in Scandinavia II (page 13-28)
Jacques Poncet
On the sensitivity of brass instruments (page 29-33)
Thomas Stevens
The trumpet in the USA: the Piston C trumpet in American Orchestras (page 35-41)
William E. Runyan
The alto trombone and contemporary concepts of trombone timbre (page 43-50)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Statements: J. Pulling, Alison Miller, Pat Reid, H. Crayford, R. Jenner (page 51-60)

Brass Bulletin N° 29, I - 1980

International Magazine for Brass Players

Out of print

Kurt Janetzky
The Trumpet: an exhibition at the Trumpeter's Castel in Bad Säckingen (page 103-105)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Editorial (page 13-15)
Thomas Stevens
The Trumpet in the USA Gadgets (page 17-18)
Rolf Quinque
ASA-Method (page 19-22)
Roger Bobo
Dynamics in the 80's (page 23-26)
Werner Christoph Schmidt
Five generations of mouthpiece specialists (page 27-34)
Jeffrey Agrell
Zen and the art of horn playing IV (page 35-40)
Rudolf Limmer
Brass instruments from the musical town of Graslitz (page 41-48)
Jean Douay
A woman trombonist (page 49-52)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Vicente ZARZO: Portrait in brief (page 53)
Vaclav Hoza
Tower-watchmen and night-watchmen in Bohemia (page 57-60)
Michel Ricquier
Relaxation and musical performance (page 61-66)
Michel Laplace
The founders of the French Trumpet School (page 67-80)
Per Gade
Anton HANSEN (1877-1947): Father of Scandivian Trombone playing IV [End] (page 81-94)

Brass Bulletin N° 30, II - 1980

International Magazine for Brass Players

Out of print

Thomas Stevens
Editorial [So your trumpet plays in tune!] (page 03-04)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Benny SLUCHIN [*1948] - Portrait in brief (page 05-06)
Anatoly Selianin
Saratov Brass Seminar [1980] (page 16-19)
James Stamp
Practical Hints I (page 21)
Timofey Dokschidser
Articulation or bowing on the trumpet (page 23-31)
Boris G. Manzora
The double-slide trombone - museum-piece with a future? (page 33-42)
I. De Keyser , M. Haine
The stamps on Sax instruments (page 43-56)
Emile Ferron
On the sensitivity of brass instruments (page 57-60)
Michel Ricquier
The use of the mind in instrumental performance (page 61-68)

Brass Bulletin N° 31, III - 1980

International Magazine for Brass Players

Out of print

Kurt Janetzky
300 Years of the Horn in Bohemia (page 03-04)
Peter Damm
1680-1980: 300 Years of the Horn (page 19-33)
Timofey Dokschidser
Articulation or bowing on the trumpet (page 35-54)
Ralf Sauer
Transcription fundamentals (page 55-56)
Benny Sluchin
A Trombone Martyr (page 57-66)
Ronald T. Bishop
Cleveland Orchestra Audition in 1966 (page 67-70)
Richard Lister
The contrabass sackbut _ a modern copy (page 71-76)
James Stamp
Practical Hints II (page 77)
Markus S. Bach
Women and brass: 3 Portaits [Barbara Stone, Betty Anderson, K. Kaminga] (page 97-98)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Miroslav KEJMAR: Portrait in brief (page 99)