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Brass Bulletin

International Magazine for Brass Players

The Brass Bulletin archives (1971-2003) will soon be digitalized. The 124 issues are currently being scanned and available for download. Meanwhile, we'd like to offer the very first issues which started a fabulous journey of 124 publications for over 30 years!

Brass Bulletin N° 82, II - 1993

International Magazine for Brass Players

Reference: BB082
BB082 | English / French / German

Jean-Pierre Mathez
Editorial (page 05-09)
Roumen Skortchev
Music and Imaginative Art (page 10-13)
Roger Delmotte
TOULON 1993 - International Competition - Trumpet (page 16-19)
Bengt Belfrage
Overstrain injuries in brass players (page 21-27)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Hakan HARDENBERGER [*1961] - Star of the north (page 30-37)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Ivan JEVTIC [*1947] - Blood, fire and music (page 38-45)
Robert Meissner
Calculation of intonation using frequency (page 48-53)
J. Richard Raum
From the Diary of a Court Trombonist, 1727 (page 56-69)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Sophie, or the story of wisdom regained (page 71-75)

Brass Bulletin N° 83, III - 1993

International Magazine for Brass Players

Reference: BB083
BB083 | English / French / German

Jean-Pierre Mathez
Editorial (page 03-11)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Zdenek TYLSAR [*1945] - A great Czech horn virtuoso (page 14-17)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Jean-François Bovard and La Compagnie d'Eustache (page 18-22)
Carlo Arfinengo
Castle of Manta (Piemonte,It) - Four musician knights (page 24-25)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Herbert JOOS [*1940] - Jazz, drawing, trumpet, writing (page 26-33)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Norbert BÖPPLE [*1949] - Master craftsman (page 34-43)
Rainer Egger, Werner Flachs
The Hunting horn of J. Du Fouilloux (XVIth cent.) (page 46-53)
Ennio Leccio
Brasses of the Apulia region (page 54-61)
Thomas Stevens
Yes! We have no repertoire! (page 62-63)
Maurice Benterfa
Mouthpieces made from precious woods (page 66-73)
Robert Meissner
Tuning device (page 74-79)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Guy Touvron, Vive la France, vive Selmer! (page 82-85)

Brass Bulletin N° 84, IV - 1993

International Magazine for Brass Players

Out of print

Jean-Pierre Mathez
Editorial (page 03-07)
Robert L. Watt
Clifford BROWN [1930-1956] - a brief but full life (page 26-35)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Hermann BAUMANN [*1934] - Lesson of the master (page 38-41)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Passau - 3rd international competition for brass ensembles (page 42-45)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
David BRUCHEZ, 18 years old, music in his blood, trombone under his arm (page 46-51)
Heinrich Thein
On the French School of horn playing (page 54-61)
Kamel Haddag
Kiev Post (page 64-65)
Carlo Arfinengo
The Neatores' of the Triumphal Arch of Augustus at Susa (Italy)' (page 68-71)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Vinko GLOBOKAR [*1934] - The Rebel (page 76-89)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Natural Horn, an amazing renaissance - Int.Natural Horn Festival, Essen (page 8-22)
Robert Meissner
DSA - Digital tuning analysis by computer (page 92-95)

Brass Bulletin N° 85, I - 1994

International Magazine for Brass Players

Reference: BB085
BB085 | English / French / German

Jean-Pierre Mathez
Editorial (page 03-07)
Raymond Park, Arnold Myers
Edinburgh University Collection of Historical Musical Instruments (page 10-19)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
The New Langwill Index (page 100-102)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Thomas MÜLLER [*1956] - Horns, Schnapps, and Cars (page 22-26)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
TOKYO, Japan - 10th annual competition for wind instruments (page 28-33)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Freiburg im Breisgau - Exemplary brass classes (page 36-41)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Fred SAUTTER [*1940] - Master American trumpet teacher (page 42-44)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Atlantic Brass Quintet (page 46-48)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Donald Green [*1949] - Trumpet player of the Los Angeles Philharmonic (page 50-52)
Julio Briseño
Interview with Guelfo Nalli (horn) (page 54-63)
Otto Sauter
Trumpet Academy Bremen (page 66-69)
Robert Meissner
Sound analysis: hearing (page 72-75)
Dr. Friedrich Anzenberger
French Cornet methods (1) (page 76-79)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Boosey & Hawkes - A spectacular revival (page 80-87)
Max Sommerhalder
Porcia - The Competition Made in Italy (page 90-99)

Brass Bulletin N° 86, II - 1994

International Magazine for Brass Players

Reference: BB086
BB086 | English / French / German

Jean-Pierre Mathez
Editorial (page 03-05)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Royal College, London - Tradition and evolution of the brass classes (page 10-20)
Dr. Friedrich Anzenberger
French cornet methods (2) (page 23-25)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Ole Edvard ANTONSEN - Ole Edvard, the magnificient! (page 28-31)
Prof. Luigi Girati
Brasses and western music in Turkey (page 34-39)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Malte Burba [*1957] - Explorer of new music (page 42-45)
Benny Sluchin
Making mute handling easier (page 48-51)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Guebwiller 1995 - World Trumpet Competition (page 54-57)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Henri Selmer Paris (page 60-68)
Fujio Nakayama
Fujio NAKAYAMA [1918-1997], The trumpet is my life... (page 69-75)
Robert Meissner
DSA - Analysis of sound - Part 6 (page 78-83)

Brass Bulletin N° 87, III - 1994

International Magazine for Brass Players

Out of print

Jean-Pierre Mathez
Editorial (page 05-07)
J. Richard Raum
Thomas GSCHLADT - Historical Persperctive of an 18th Cent.Trombonist - I (page 10-29)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Narbonne - 5th International Brass Quintet Competition (page 33-40)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
London Symphony Orchestra Brass - Brief meeting with Eric Crees (page 41-43)
Dr. Friedrich Anzenberger
French cornet methods (III-end) (page 45-47)
Dr. med. Wilfried Buck
If somebody kills his nerve (page 50-56)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Maurice André - New directions (page 58-63)
Robert L. Watt
Esa-Pekka SALONEN - Exclusive interview I (page 66-77)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Stomvi mouthpieces made to order - Inteview with Vicente Roncero (page 82-87)
Robert Meissner
DSA - Sound analysis (7) (page 90-93)
David Bruenger
T'ai chi - The wind in both Ears (page 94-99)

Brass Bulletin N° 88, III - 1994

International Magazine for Brass Players

Reference: BB088
BB088 | English / French / German

Jean-Pierre Mathez
Editorial (page 05-07)
J. Richard Raum
Thomas GSCHLADT - Historical Perspective of an 18th Cent.Trombonist - II (page 17-35)
Rosario Macaluso
School of trumpet in Liège - I (page 38-42)
Robert L. Watt
Esa-Pekka SALONEN - Exclusive interview - II (page 44-49)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
BREMEN 1994 - International Trumpet Days (page 51-59)
Marco Moroni
The Symphony Orchestra of the National Academy of St.Cecilia in Rome (page 60-65)
Jeremy Dibb, Simon Hogg
The trombone of Gustav Holst (1874-1934) (page 66-71)
Vassil Todorov
History of brasses in Bulgaria (page 72-76)
Dieter Wolf
Erwin WOLF [1919-1994] - A pillar of the German trumpet is no more (page 78-83)
Robert Meissner
DSA - Sound analysis (8) (page 84-86)

Brass Bulletin N° 89, I - 1995

International Magazine for Brass Players

Reference: BB089
BB089 | English / French / German

Jean-Pierre Mathez
Editorial (page 03-05)
Novikov, Vercruysse, Berge
André Van DRIESSCHE, Belgian master of the Horn (page 14-16)
Uwe Bartels
Most original baroque hunting horn (page 18-20)
Salvador Navarro-Martinez
The national Orchestra of Spain (page 21-29)
J. Richard Raum
Thomas GSCHLADT - Historical Portrait of an 18th Cent.Trombonist-III,end (page 31-49)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Läubin & Sons, the trumpet, a family affair (page 52-59)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
The Brass College of French Switzerland (CCSR) (page 62-68)
Fritz Damrow
Amrein trummpets - a test (page 70-73)
Rosario Macaluso
School of trumpet in Liège - II (page 74-81)
Bruno Tilz
The Bruno Tilz - Super 2000 mouthpiece system (page 82-83)
Benny Sluchin
Porcia 1994 - International Trombone Competition (page 85-89)

Brass Bulletin N° 90, II - 1995

International Magazine for Brass Players

Reference: BB090
BB090 | English / French / German

Jean-Pierre Mathez
Editorial (page 03-05)
Dr. Toshio Nemoto
The effect of oral environment in plying brass instruments I (page 25-28)
André Cazalet
Georges BARBOTEU [*1924] - An inspired and poetic hornist (page 30-33)
Sir David H. Elgas
Are all valve oils the same? (page 36-43)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Steven Mead [*1962] - Mister Euphonium (page 44-47)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Birmingham, 1995 - 2nd Annual National Tuba and Euphonium Conference (page 50-57)
Paul Voet
Théo MERTENS [*1932] - Interview (page 58-63)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Emiko Ikeda [*1970] & Chisato Abe [*1969] - Portraits (page 66-73)
Bernhard Krol
Bernhard KROL - At 75! A look back on a life (page 76-81)
Rosario Macaluso
School of trumpet in Liège III (page 8-21)

Brass Bulletin N° 91, III - 1995

International Magazine for Brass Players

Out of print

Roland Schnohrk
Toulon 1995 - International trombone competition (page 12-17)
Dr. Toshio Nemoto
The use of muscles in playing wind instruments (II) (page 19-23)
Brendan Collins
Australian Brass Band Rules Britannia in 1924 (page 26-33)
Ludwig Güttler
The corno da caccia in the music of J. S. Bach (page 26-33)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Editorial (page 3-9)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Survey - Thomas Stevens (page 50-57)
Rosario Macaluso
School of trumpet in Liège - IV (end) (page 60-72)
J. Richard Raum
Interview- Christian Lindberg (page 74-84)
Mag. Gerhard Zechmeister
United Philharmonic Orchestra Wien - A tonal concept unites the brass section (page 86-89)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Development of a new trombone - Branimir Slokar (page 92-96)