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Brass Bulletin No 117 2002

Brass Bulletin N° 117

International Magazine for Brass Players

Reference: BB117
BB117 | English / French / German

Jean-Pierre Mathez
Editorial (page 007-013)
Brass Bulletin
In brief (page 018-025)
Thomas Stevens
Quotables (page 028-029)
Helmut Gleissle
Walter Gleissle (1919-1961) - My father the trumpeter (page 042-047)
Sabina Pade
The modern concert hall (page 050-059)
Esa Tapani
Communication between performers and composer (page 062-066)
Sebastian Krause
Carl Traugott Queisser - 'God of the trombone' (page 068-080)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Antoine Acquisto, a trumpet in full bloom (page 082-087)
Christoph Müller
The art of chamber music (3) (page 090-093)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
A player’s first years (3) - Oral instruction, written instruction (page 094-096)
Michel Ricquier
Conquering nervousness (4) (page 098-099)
Dr. Med. Joachim E. Lahme
Problems during musical performance (page 102-105)
Javier Bonet Manrique
International “Citta’ di Porcia” competition - Horn (page 108-110)
Brass Bulletin
Agenda (page 112-115)
Brass Bulletin
Competitions 2002-2007 (page 118-119)
Brass Bulletin
Equipment (page 120-123)
Brass Bulletin
Compact Discs (page 126-131)
Brass Bulletin
Music - Books (page 134-135)