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Brass Bulletin No 61 1988

Brass Bulletin N° 61

International Magazine for Brass Players

Reference: BB061
BB061 | English / French / German

Thomas Stevens
U.S.A. Profile - Bob Malone (page 103)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Editorial (page 23-27)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Empire Brass Quintet - Th road to success (page 30-36)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Trumpets of the future: Ole E. Antonsen and Gérard Métrailler (page 38-43)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Gregory CASS [*1952] - Horn and soul (page 44-47)
Margaret Downie Banks
Blechblasinstrumente des 19. Jhd im Shrine to Music' Museum Vermillion' (page 50-59)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Kurt Laberer, instrument maker in Munich (page 60-61)
Benny Sluchin
The alto trombone [I] (page 70-75)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Hakan HARDENBERGER [*1961] - The conquest of the future (page 76-79)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Trio Millière - Brass players, a family story (page 82-85)
Robert Coutet
Periodontal disease in brass players (page 88-90)
John Stork, Phyllis Stork
Dr Mouthpiece - Flesh Meets Metal III: The rim, the rime bite (page 91-92)
Jean-Pierre Mathez
Brass Technqiues: Arms, hands, fingers (page 94-96)
Charlie Shoemake
Jazz improvisation IV: the melodic minor scale (page 98-101)
Ch. J. Travies De Villers
Serpent (Drawing) (page I)