Henry Fourès (*1948)

Born in the south of France in 1948. Performs jazz and light music. Completed his musical studies at the Paris Conservatoire and in the Musical Research Group at the National Audio- visual Institute. Teaches improvisation at the Pantin Conservatoire and mediaeval music at Toulouse University. Has published work on Guillaume de Machault. Apart from these activities he has established a collection of recordings of the oral traditions of the Languedoc. Producer of radio music broadcasts (France Culture, Radio France). Has written instrumental pieces (solos, duets, trios etc.); works for instrumcnts and tape; film and stage music; symphonic music and music for small groups. Is involved with the activities of "La Muse en Circuit". Since 1981 Henry Foures has been Inspector General of Music in the French Ministry of Culture.

Henry Fourès
Musica Ficta No 7
for brass quintet
- Level: advanced
- Duration: 8'30
- Genre: contemporary
- Composed: 1988