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Valery Strukow (1937-2005)

Valery Strukow

Val­ery Struk­ow was born March 10th, 1937 in Rus­sia and stud­ied at the Moscow Mu­sic Col­lege with Theo­dor Gut­mann (pi­a­no) and Aram Khatch­a­tu­rian (com­po­si­tion). He lived in Berlin and Moscow.

His works in­clude a con­cer­to for pi­a­no and symphony or­ches­tra, a Con­cer­to for tuba and symphony or­ches­tra, a concerto for trumpet and string orchestra, the opera “Maria Stuart” (on F. Schiller’s text), a tuba quar­tet, a Trio for oboe, horn and piano, a ten-part Brass-Suite, “Russian Miniatures” for string quar­tet, sev­er­al sym­phon­ic poems and suites for orchestra, nu­mer­ous works for or­gan, piano (a.o. 12 Preludes),for oth­er in­stru­ments and for voice. Valery Strukow died in 2005.

for tuba and symphony orchestra

I. Allegro Maestoso
II. Lento Elegiaco
III. Vivo Scherzando