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John Webb, Trombamania 1

John Webb
Trombamania 1

Brass cartoons

  • Languages: English, French, German
  • Genre: Humor
  • Composed: 1989

Reference: BIM14
English / Français / Deutsch


  • Published: 1990
  • Pages: 79
  • ISBN: 978-2-88039-025-7
  • Publisher: Editions Bim


John Webb

John Webb

The original trombamaniac, John Webb is a Londoner, trumpet maker, bass trombone and ophicleide player, ­publicity agent and brass instrument collector. Too, he's nuts about cats. His collection... Read more

Chronic mental disorder

Brass players are a « type ». They conform. They cling together, sharing ­neuroses and having little to do with other players in an orchestra.

Trumpet players

Trumpet players were certainly regarded as neurotic, although opinions differed about whether they were neurotic to start with or whether the trumpet made them so.