Jost Meier
Eclipse finale?
for tuba and piano
- Level: advanced
- Duration: 18'30
- Genre: contemporary
- Series: Swiss Composers Series
- Composed: 1991
Reference: TU16a
Piano reduction (solo part included)
Piano reduction (solo part included)
- Published: 1992
- Publisher: Editions Bim
Eclipse Finale
Other versions

Jost Meier (1939-2022)
Jost Meier was born on March 15, 1939 in Solothurn (Switzerland). After matriculating, he began studying mathematics and physics. He studied the cello and begann composing in adolescence. After stu...
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About Eclipse finale?
The tuba, as in an opera, plays a dramatic role
The music of “Eclipse Finale?” is a fantasy on the well-known German folk song “Der Mond ist aufgegangen” (The moon has risen). “Eclipse finale?” is a piece which presents the age-old fear that the moon will not rise again. The tuba, as in an opera, plays a dramatic role representing humanity, which is questioning the frightening destruction of the nature and the environment.