Helena Winkelman (*1974)

Helena Winkelman (b. 1974) is a Swiss composer and violinist. She showed an exceptional musical talent very early. Having won national and international violin competitions at a young age, she has become a composer with an own distinct voice.
Her interest in jazz and renaissance music had her start composing in a postmodernist way, using different styles of music and switching procedures to create an extremely vital music full of humor and irony. Her interest in Swiss folk music and a great admiration for Indian music can also be traced in her music.
Her recent discovery of spectralism in works by Gerard Grisey, Georg Friedrich Haas and George Benjamin has fuelled the tireless artistic reinvention of forms and sounds she chooses to work with.

Helena Winkelman
for violin solo
- Level: advanced
- Duration: 6'
- Genre: contemporary
- Series: Swiss Composers Series
- Composed: 2002

Helena Winkelman
for chamber ensemble
- Level: advanced
- Duration: 12'
- Genre: contemporary
- Series: Swiss Composers Series
- Composed: 2006

Helena Winkelman
Gemini Concerto
11 short scenes in three movements for 2 violins and orchestra
- Level: advanced
- Duration: 40'
- Genre: contemporary
- Series: Swiss Composers Series
- Composed: 2020

Helena Winkelman
Concerto for solo trumpet, strings and percussion
- Level: advanced
- Duration: 20'
- Genre: contemporary
- Series: Swiss Composers Series
- Composed: 2022

Helena Winkelman
for piano
- Level: advanced
- Duration: 10'
- Genre: contemporary
- Series: Swiss Composers Series
- Composed: 2007

Helena Winkelman
Rondo mit einem Januskopf
for violin and violoncello
- Level: intermediate
- Duration: 8'
- Genre: contemporary
- Series: Swiss Composers Series
- Composed: 2000

Helena Winkelman
Sami’s piece
for piano
- Level: advanced
- Duration: 4'
- Genre: contemporary
- Series: Swiss Composers Series
- Composed: 2003

Helena Winkelman
6 new pieces based on well-known Swiss folk songs for accordion and chamber orchestra
- Level: intermediate / advanced
- Duration: 20'
- Genre: contemporary
- Series: Swiss Composers Series
- Composed: 2020

Helena Winkelman
Summer Heat
for chamber orchestra
- Duration: 18'
- Genre: contemporary
- Series: Swiss Composers Series
- Composed: 2014

Helena Winkelman
Tree Talk
for 2 solo violoncelli and string orchestra
- Level: advanced
- Duration: 13'
- Genre: contemporary
- Series: Swiss Composers Series
- Composed: 2010