Helena Winkelman
Summer Heat
for chamber orchestra
- Duration: 18'
- Genre: contemporary
- Series: Swiss Composers Series
- Composed: 2014
Orchestra score
- Instrumentation: 2(+picc).2(EH).2.2 - - percussion, piano, pad - strings
- Published: 2024
- Pages: 68
- Publisher: Editions Bim
- Movements:
- I. Big Mama (6')
- II. Battle of Bells (12')
- I. Big Mama (6')

Helena Winkelman (*1974)
About Summer Heat
The basic form is that of a concerto grosso. In addition to the bell dialogues, there are solos for cello, trumpet, and percussion, which contrast with the large tutti sections. An accompanying rhythm section composed of piano, double bass, and drums transforms this movement into a rhythmically muscular final piece, giving the chamber orchestra an opportunity to showcase its stylistic versatility.
This first movement, titled *Big Mama*, pays homage on the one hand to Pachamama, the archetypal universal mother of South America and goddess of the Quechua and Aymara peoples; on the other hand, this music is a tribute to the famous Brazilian musician João Gilberto. His interpretation of the song *Estate* (Summer) was a great inspiration for this new composition, with its serene melancholy.
However, neither the melody nor the harmonic progressions of this song are directly quoted in Winkelman's composition. They are present only as shadows or gestures. The character of this opening movement becomes increasingly threatening and dark as it develops, until an ominous ostinato from the synthesizer slowly ushers in the second movement.
The second movement is a tribute to the extroverted rhythm and dance culture of the South American host. The title: *Battle of Bells/Batalha de Sinos* refers to the origin of the samba rhythm: that it came from a quarrel: *Ticutuco Nucutuco*: I hit you! - Don’t hit me! It is a humorous movement that syllabically traces the rhythm of samba. At the center of this movement is a playful and combative dialogue between two guest percussionists of traditional Brazilian music and the two percussionists of the KOB. Agogo bells meet Swiss cowbells.
The work was specially composed for the anniversary and the visit to Brazil (São Paulo) of the Basel Chamber Orchestra. The total duration is approximately 18 minutes. With the drums accompanying much of the piece and the string sections reminiscent of film music, the work is a hybrid between the music of both continents.
October 10, 2024 | São Paolo, Brazil.
Kammerorchester Basel,
Delyana Lazarova (conducting).
October 9, 2024 | São Paolo, Brazil.
Kammerorchester Basel,
Delyana Lazarova (conducting).
October 7, 2024 | São Paolo, Brazil.
Kammerorchester Basel,
Delyana Lazarova (conducting).
October 6, 2024 | São Paolo, Brazil.
Kammerorchester Basel,
Delyana Lazarova (conducting).
September 27, 2024 | Basel, Switzerland.
Kammerorchester Basel,
Delyana Lazarova (conducting).
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